Alternative Strategies including private assets are investments that are typically not publicly listed and traded. Because of this, they can often have lower volatility than their public counterparts, offer diversification benefits and uncorrelated returns. Investors, or their managers, generally need specialist relationships to access these types of assets.

Alternative investments are essential in a volatile & low return world

Ascot Investments is a Brussels based family office with a global mandate and offers expertise in accessing non-conventional financial investments and direct private investments.

Over the years our team has developed a vast network of alternative and private market managers across the globe. Our goal is to provide through partnerships our clients with access to these managers, their unique skill sets and superior returns.

- Since 2011, we have grown the team and build a consistent process of deploying investor capital and apply an institutional level of governance across every investment.

A different source of return

As an alternative source of return, private assets can help to diversify investment portfolios and offer potential capital growth to help meet long-term goals.

Investing in alternative & private assets requires knowledge and experience. Our investment professionals are specialists in their respective areas of the private assets landscape, working to find opportunities, long-term trends and themes that can complement equity and bond portfolios.

Private & Alternative asset classes offer the potential for attractive income or capital growth, but are in essence difficult to access through traditional approaches.​ "

Alternative Strategies & private assets are a broad range of investment types and opportunities

Each area of private assets has different risks & performance drivers, so returns may not move in line with mainstream stock markets. They also have high minimum investment levels and may be complex and illiquid, so detailed knowledge is important.

With interest rates hovering at low levels and bond yields compressed, investors need to think outside the box in their search for diversification and returns. The investment strategies we have identified can provide an alternative source of income as well as capital growth and essential diversification for any portfolio.